
Hershey PA

I know Eric and Josh alluded to my trip here. But I gotta tell ya it wasn't exactly what I thought. The weather was indecisive as it was either sweltering humid or pelting the town with buckets of rain. And what I smelled wasn't chocolate. I tried to get close to the action (the Hershey Amusement Park) but could only find myself being stuck in endless small-town traffic being guided by hard hat donning, day-glo vest wearing oompa loompas. I turned around after hangin in traffic for awhile. I saw the lightposts (my friend tells me they used to be M&Ms instead of Kisses) and the Reeses building and all the cutesy named streets (ad nauseum). If it is located here it will be Brown and will have Hershey in the name. Bet on it.

I stayed at the Econolodge to get some extra miles. Bad move. No internet. No Hershey's Starbucks with wi-fi either. I just finished my business there (which was pretty much a bust) and mosied back to my internet-less room of a hotel and watched the standard cabled boob tube.

No Hershey Highway for all you jokesters out there.

The aliens (rightly so) begin their onslaught in Hersey PA.

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